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Thursday, June 7, 2012

June Playlist: The Fault in Our Stars

I have recently finished the book The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. Since I have yet to write a review, I decided to look for some book trailers over at youtube. And guess what I found? Yes, I found book trailers but I also found a lot of songs inspired by the book which are really good. For a few days now, these songs are on constant replay on my music player. So, here's my TFIOS June playlist:

1. The Fault in Our Stars - Kaysy Conundrum

2. Our Infinity - Kiera Jo

3. Grenade - GeeksSingToo

4. The Fault in Our Stars - Joshua Voiles and friends

5. The Fault in Our Stars - Meghan Tonjes

6. The Fault in Our Stars - Yalegirl2011

7. For Hazel and Augustus - Camila Sings

8. Minesweeper - Kanal von Zeroviron

9. Little Infinities - JaxandCoke

10. Hazel Grace - juliaplusbanjo

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